Nicholas Riley wrote:

After a few bounces (why doesn't PyDS respond to ^c and stop itself?)
trying to fix the calendar layout, I found that the upstreaming and
events databases were corrupted.  Trying to access the upstreaming
tool caused 100% CPU and then a crash; trying to access events gave me
gibberish for the page; you could see portions of the view
specifications instead of the expected data.  Removing the databases
fixed the problem.

I suspect that space characters in the description string could be the problem. They will restructure the datafile, causing data loss (but not really damage - the loss is because properties will be dropped). As for the 100% CPU - the only case where I have seen this before is with (sub)views containing no properties.

The example on this PyDS page worked here, once I removed the spaces:

I am not sure whether this is PyDS threading issues or Metakit bugs.
In any case, Metakit should not crash while attempting to read data
from a database!

I agree. And I'm not sure how to reproduce that - the files you sent appear to open properly, and the mkstats utility reports no file damage problems.


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