Jack Diederich wrote:

The reason I was trying to upgrade to was that I have a corrupt
file generated by and I was hoping could open it.

import metakit
stor = metakit.storage('6051280980.mk', 2) # RW + locking
print "about to getas"
vw = stor.getas('session [id:I,risitor_id:S,session_id:I,page_view_count:I,loadtime_average:F,l oadtime_count:I,pagetime_average:F,pagetime_count:I,entry_page:S,exit_ page:S,referer:S,banner_id:I,start_time:S,end_time:S,screen_dims:S,col or_depth:S,cookies:S,sales:F,agent:S,flash:S,wmp:S,pdf:S,quicktime:S,r ealaudio:S,os:S,browser:S,browser_ver:S,host_ip:S,host_name:S,hit [id:I,risitor_id:S,rage_id:S,session_id:I,referer:S,real_referer:S,loa dtime:F,pagetime:F,created:S,updated:S,browser_width:I,browser_height: I,exit_page:S]]')
print "never reached"

CPU jumps up to 100% and will go for hours if I let it.
I put a copy of the file here http://demo.performancedrivers.com/ 6051280980.mk
(214k).  I'll leave it up there for a couple days and then remove it.

The file was created via python in a mod_python apache environment.
I have millions of metakit files and some small percentage of them are
corrupt like this (I get a few CPU pegged processes a week).

There is something very fishy with that file... I find over 80 copies of the "4A 4C" hex bytes which denote the start of a MK datafile section (followed by more bytes which sure look like a header to me). As if opening a file failed, and MK created a fresh MK tail each time.

This could happen if there is something wrong with the commit, damaging the tail of the file written, so the file data does not get recognized as valid data in the next open. My only explanation for this is having the file open for writing more than once at the same time - which is a big no-no in MK. Are you locking against multiple opens? Web servers and especially CGI's have a habit of getting fired more than once, as part of net retries for example.

MK can't open such a corrupted file either, btw.


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