> Is is possible to use python unicode strings with metakit? When I try to 
> pass u'aaa' it raises "TypeError: not a Python string". If Mk4py has no 
> python unicode support, is there an easy way to automatically convert to 
> uft8 (it seems to work ok).
> I read the documentation and did some search on list archives and it 
> seemed that there is unicode support.
> By the way Metakit rocks.
> Best regards,
> Atamert

It seems to me you need to use the B data type, not S.

The documentation does state you should use S for strings
particularly because of future unicode changes, but I guess
those changes have not been made or have not made their way
through to the Python wrapper.

The C++ header files still indicate char* is used for all
the data type S (string) functions/methods. *shrug*


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