Consider this code:

#Create a database:
import metakit
db ="",1)
#Create a view (this is the Metakit term for "table"):
vw = db.getas("users[username:S,password:S]")
#get user name to add
user = raw_input('User Name to Add: ')
# check and see if it exists in datafile already
c_vw =
if c_vw:
    for r in c_vw:
        ix = vw.find(username=user, start=2) #=================>>>>wanted
to get row index here, is broken
        print r.username + ' already exists in database at: ', ix
    # get a password for the new user
    passw = raw_input('Password for that user: ')
    #Add a row (this is the Metakit term for "record"):
    idx = vw.append(username=user,password=passw)
    print 'Base0 index position where record was inserted: ' + str(idx)
    #Commit the changes to file:
#Show a list of all users
for r in vw: print r.username, r.password

#==============>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END SCRIPT

I have been through all the documentation that I could find, and was unable
to find out how to get the row index.

Could someone give a push in the right direction??

TIA :-)
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