Dear Bob;
First, there is a mistake in your question: Nobody says the universe was 
created from "nothing". There is nothing called "nothing". "Nothing" is what 
is not; i.e. what does not exist. Non-existance can never be turned into 

What is correct is: The universe was created from a singularity; like a 
black hole; a condense matter in almost zero volume (space) and at almost 
zero time. Then this matter in this singularity blasted off in what is known 
as the big bang and it started expanding (and still). This expanding 
universe has in the future three options: 1- keeps expanding for ever (open 
universe), 2- conracts again at some point (closed universe), or 3- stops 
and stay static (flat universe). If it chooses 2 (depending on its mass 
density) it will return to the singularity again and maybe another big bang 
again and so on (pulsating universe).

In either case, one may ask: what was there before this singularity? We can 
turn this question religious if you like, but if you dont prefer we can turn 
it into metaphysics, because our laws of physics and mathematics CAN NOT be 
applied for singularities. This question has been asked before to many 
religion leaders; What was God doing before He created the universe? And the 
answer usualy is: "God created the universe AND time, and not: the universe 
in time".

Away from religion, this question was the subject of intensive debate 
between Aristotle and Plato and their schools:

Plato considers time to be created with the world, while Aristotle believes 
that the world was created in time, which is an infinite and continuous 
Plato says:
   "Time, then, and the heaven came into being at the same instant in order 
that, having been created together, if ever there was to be a dissolution of 
them, they might be dissolved together. It was framed after the pattern of 
the eternal nature, that it might resemble this as far as was possible; for 
the pattern exists from eternity, and the created heaven has been, and is, 
and will be, in all time."

Aristotle believes that Plato’s proposition requires a point in time that is 
the beginning of time and there is no time before it. This is inconceivable 
for Aristotle who adopts Democritus notion of uncreated time and says:
   "But so far as time is concerned we see that all with one exception are 
in agreement in saying that it is uncreated: in fact, it is just this that 
enables Democritus to show that all things cannot have had a becoming: for 
time, he says, is uncreated. Plato alone asserts the creation of time, 
saying that it had a becoming together with the universe, the universe 
according to him having had a becoming."

Time for Aristotle is a continuum and it is always associated with motion, 
and as such, it can’t have a beginning. He says that time is the "number of 
movement in respect of the before and after, and is continuous.... In 
respect of size there is no minimum; for every line is divided ad infinitum. 
Hence it is so with time."

Plato on the other hand cosiders time as the circular motion of the heavens, 
while Aristotle said it is not motion but the measure of motion and he says 
that it is like a circle , a structure that has no beginning or end and so 
is endless in both directions. Since everything in the world is finite, also 
time has to be finite and since it is continuous it has to be a circle 
because we cannot conceive of a first time; for any first time we could 
conceive of a time before that., so time has to be circular.
Arsitotle says: "Now since time cannot exist and is unthinkable apart from 
the moment, and the moment a kind of middle-point, uniting as it does in 
itself both a beginning and an end, a beginning of future time and an end of 
past time, it follows that there must always be time: for the extremity of 
the last period of time that we take must be found in some moment, since 
time contains no point of contact for us except the moment. Therefore, since 
the moment is both a beginning and an end, there must always be time on both 
sides of it. But if this is true of time, it is evident that it must also be 
true of motion, time being a kind of affection of motion."

WE CONCLUDE HERE that time for Aristotle is circular and the world was 
created somewhere along this circle while for Plato time is continuous and 
was created with the world. Both views have unsolvable drawbacks.

Ibn Arabi (1165 A.D.) shares the idea of a circular endless time with 
Aristotle and that it is a measure of motion, but he does not consider it as 
continuum. On the other hand Ibn Arabi agrees with Plato that time is 
created with the world and refuses Aristotle’s proposal that the world is 
created in time. In fact Plato was right when he considered time to be 
created, but Aristotle refused this because he could not conceive of a 
starting point to the world nor to time. Only after the theory of general 
relativity in 1915 that introduced the idea of ‘curved time’ that we could 
envisage a finite but curved time that has a beginning. By this we could 
combine between Plato’s and Aristotle’s opposing views. However, Ibn Arabi 
did that seven centuries before, and he also explicity spoke about curved 
and relative time (ask for references if you want).
Ibn Arabi also extends the concept of time into the abstarct world (i.e. not 
material) and he says that the soul that comprehends time has two forces one 
is practical by which it senses material objects and their motion (change in 
state or place) [this is physical time], and the other is theoretical by 
which it gain knowledge (change in status)[this is abstarct time]. Physical 
time is associated with motion in space and it existed with the material 
world while abstarct time is associated with the changes of states of 
knowledge (of the divine spirits (=waves) who are going to create the 
world), and beyond all that there is God in TimeLessNess existance.

As far as the material world is concerned, and that is what we mean by the 
universe, this universe was created from a singularity MORE than 15 billion 
years ago AS MEASURED NOW from our position in the space-time coordinates. 
15 billion years, that is the distance to the most distant objects detected 
from earth, but not to the singularity itself. Although those most distant 
objects (radio galaxies and Quazars) appear to be close to the beginning of 
the universe, but this does not mean that the singularity is 16 or 17 or 
whatever close number to 15 billion years away. This is because the 
space-time is NOT FLAT which means that time in particular does not measure 
equally in all its points, especially when we approach the singularity. In 
other words, if we move back in time and with the speed of light towards 
this singularity we will never reach it, and what appears to us here few 
seconds it will be there billions of years. This is because of the curvature 
of time.


>Subject: [meteorite-list] Paradox
>Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 18:46:43 EST
>Hi List Members,
>   Correct me if I'm wrong.  The Astronomy community theorize that the
>universe was created in a millisecond, a flash, the big-bang.  From nothing
>to everything, instantaneously.
>    We all accept the theory that matter cannot be created or destroyed.
>So how can this be?????
>Inquiring minds would like to know.
>Meteorite-list mailing list


Mohamed H. Yousef

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