Hi list...
Indeed, I can only echo the statements other have written about Ken's 
meteorwrong page. This does bring up a question though...I have made a number 
of Ebay meteorite purchases and except for my old nemisis "Romansells"  who I 
went after (he kept posting slag for 2-3 years) I have somewhat backed off 
the warning of bidders with the new Ebay mechanisms in place. 

QUESTION: If a bidder has a bid on an obviously meteorwrong, can we email 
that person with the address of Ken's meteorwrong page? While we are not 
expressly warning that person to retract their bid, (and the seller could 
report us to Ebay) they can examine the page...draw their own 
conclusions...and retract their own bid once they have been educated. Does 
this sound duable?   Would Ken's page be in jeopardy?

Best to all,

Steven L. Sachs    http://www.geocities.com/gangwise/meteorite.html

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