WLOTZKA F., SCHERER P. et al. (1997) Petrography and noble
gases of the unusual L5 chondrites Baszkówka and Mt. Tazerzait
(Meteoritics 32-4, 1997, A140):

Mt. Tazerzait fell on August 21, 1991, in the Republic of Niger;
Baszkowka fell on August 25, 1994 in Poland [1]. Both are L5
chondrites with identical Fa/Fs contents. They also share a
rather uncommon textural feature, namely a high porosity,
already visible to the naked eye on cut surfaces. Under the
SEM* the pores are found to contain euhedral, usually stubby
c r y s t a l s   of the main constituents of the meteorite ...

* S-canning E-lectron  M-icroscope



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