To Al and list,.

That's a great write-up about that subject Al. I can't recall either if that 
particular subject has been broached. Invariably, when collecting, one might 
also consider having a "traveling collection" put together as well. Small 
slices / specimens of the different representative major classes are useful 
when showing to co-workers, groups etc. I also have one fairly nice sizeable 
(cheap) NWA replete with internal surface showing as well as fresh fusion 
crust. This is the sample that I pass around and have handled. 

And if someone drops it? I just refer to the previous posts!   ;-)   
Seriously though, Bernd'd suggestion of a thin slice is also useful for a 
more complete collection, and possibly could be added to the "traveling 
collection" as well. 

Best to all,

Steven L. Sachs IMCA # 9210

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