Did Pluto Take a Punch?

By Govert Schilling 
Sky & Telescope
January 8, 2003 

If David J. Tholen (University of
Hawaii) is right, Pluto was probably hit by a small Kuiper Belt object in
the not-too-distant past. One consequence of that collision, he argues, is
seen in the planet's motion - Pluto and its satellite Charon now waltz
around each other in slightly out-of-round orbits. And since tidal forces in
the tight planet-moon system should damp out any deviations from purly
circular orbits within 10 million years or so, the impact must have occurred
relatively recently. "It could have happened a century ago," Tholen says.

The first hints of Charon's slightly odd orbit came during the 1990s, when
Tholen and Marc W. Buie (Lowell Observatory) tracked the moon's motion using
the Hubble Space Telescope. They found an orbital eccentricity near 0.0075
instead of zero, the expected value. However, due to the great distance
involved even HST could not resolve bright and dark patches on Pluto's
surface. Consequently, Tholen explains, "We measured Charon's distance to
Pluto's center-of-light, not to its center-of-mass."

Luckily, a series of mutual eclipses of the two objects in the late 1980s
had enabled Buie to derive a crude albedo map for Pluto, so the effect could
be corrected for. But even then a small eccentricity of 0.003 remained -
Charon's orbit truly seems to be ever so slightly out of round. If verified,
the eccentricity implies an impactor that was many tens of kilometers
across, which most likely hit Pluto.

Between April 2001 and April 2002, Tholen used adaptive optics on the
8-meter Gillett (Gemini North) telescope atop Mauna Kea, Hawaii, to repeat
the measurements. It's work in progress, he told astronomers this week at
the AAS meeting in Seattle, but so far his results are consistent with the
earlier findings.

Meanwhile, Buie has reanalyzed the old eclipse observations, and while the
resulting albedo map is of higher quality, he doubts that it has "enough
credibility to do the calculations right." To try to eliminate the remaining
uncertainty, Buie has observed Pluto and Charon repeatedly with Hubble's new
Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). More data is coming down this spring, and
he hopes to complete his analysis by year's end.

As for the cause of the eccentricity, Buie believes a mere close encounter
with a Kuiper Belt object would do the trick. "The probability of an impact
is very small," he notes. But his observing partner thinks a direct hit is
not so far-fetched, statistically speaking, and it might also explain some
of the striking brightness variations on Pluto's surface. "Impacts do
happen," Tholen stresses, noting Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9's fateful encounter
with Jupiter in 1994. "All it takes for this model to work is one event."

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