You sound very sincere and I am now starting to get more info on what
happened. Maybe it may have helped to mention your intentions to discuss
more items in the next months article. Something like: "Next Month...The
Complete Listing of All the Tucson Shows Dealers", or something that let
others know that there was more and more complete information to come.

It seems as though some of the list members need to toughen their skin a
little. As for someone saying that someone else's "Science" was "Incomplete"
that seems to be a dumb and a true statement at the same time. To ME....ALL
Science is incomplete...I am no Scientist, but REAL Science to me should
ALWAYS lead to MORE questions than answers and MORE Science. No Study
should/could ever be totally complete as I feel, especially with Meteorites
that there is a 100 years worth of learning in every stone that is
recovered. How could the science about ANY Meteorite be complete when we
have so few and know so little about them?

I hold no one person to blame for Jim and Paul's decision, but we all need
to be a little more understanding, and a little less trouble for everyone on
the list...me included. We have one of the greatest conglomerations of
minds, talents and ideas gathered here, no one person better or worse than
the other, all pursuing something we love. We have the opportunity to spread
knowledge, exchange thoughts and ideas in a way and by a method that did not
exist even 25 years ago. With that in mind we all need to be more tolerant,
more understanding and less easily bruised by others.

REMEMBER Humans are PRONE to ERRORS, when you stop making mistakes....your

Darryl has offered to send me the email that he sent so that I know more of
what this is about so I can learn from it...not blame anybody. I just want
the MeteoriteTimes to live on. Its done, lets move on, and lets in return
help Jim and Paul as you and others have been to keep the MeteoriteTimes

And others on the list TAKE NOTICE!! The info in the MeteoriteTimes may not
ALWAYS be complete, NOT ALWAYS tell the ENTIRE story and if you feel that
you need to add or correct something, DO IT IN A POSITIVE MANNER. Because as
we all now know.....The MeteoriteTimes MAY NOT ALWAYS BE!!!!


Mark M.
Phoenix AZ
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 11:18 AM
Subject: The Death Of A Dream

Dear Craig, Mark, Geoff, Walter and all list members who have
benefited so much from the selfless efforts of Paul Harris and
Jim Tobin,
        I am just sick upon reading Pual & Jim's posts.
        I am afraid I was one of the authors mentioned, by citing my auction
and not mentioning Darryl's in the same article. Though I
have mentioned his auctions many times in my articles, I
fear he took great offense at my failure to do so this time.
        Paul and Jim are the last people on earth I would want to see
hurt like this.
        I feel sick to my stomach.
        I tend to write about whatever I am feeling enthused about
at the time and have always been totally undisguised in openly
mentioning what I am up to, myself. I fear this carefree style has
resulted in a response that hurt two of the best people I know.
This month I focused on new changes that would be at the
Tucson Show - and certainly mentioned changes in my own
venue. Next month, immediately before the show, I was going to
touch on all the standard venues not to be missed. I guess I should have
informed Darryl of that in advance. I have, many times, written
of how Darryl always brings some of the most beautiful specimens
in the world to the show.
    In this particular issue I also wrote about new ventures of Bob Haag,
Eric Olson, Jim Strope, Mike Farmer, the Hupe brothers, Adam and Greg. I
guess all other dealers could have been offended. It is difficult to know
where such notification is required ­ but, as I said, my plans for the Feb.
issue were to address all elements of the show not particularly new this
year, but which are, of course, not to be
For those who may have not gotten around to reading the article, METEORITE
TIMES is now down, so, I have posted the article at which offense was taken.
The full article, exactly as published can be seen at:


    I would like to propose the following to Paul and Jim:
Instead, please accept my resignation from my column.
I don't know who was accused of "bad science" or who posted a photo link at
which someone took offense, but my guess is they would happily resign, as
well, to see the invaluable fruits of your labor continue.
Never, ever, would I have exposed you to any grief, had I seen
it coming.
    My deepest regrets are extended to every person who has worked so hard
submitting fine articles to the publication, and, of course, to all of you,
the readers. We all have benefited so much from the thankless labor of Paul
and Jim. Perhaps, if we all let them know they are appreciated and needed
they might possibly reconsider?
    Sincerely, Michael Blood

Meteorite-list mailing list

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