Title: re METEORITE TIMES From Paul and Jim
I like the idea! I think that it would sufficently insulate the magazine from any responsibility especially if it is clearly stated the "the links provided are the sole responsibility of the web page owner and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Meteorite Times, which only provides the forum for the articles and that any questions, corrections or editorial issues be directed to the owners of the article in question."
That is straight from our attorney who I was fishing with yesterday. He said that clear language explaining that the Meteorites Times is not responsible for what is presented and that the Meteorite Times ONLY provides the forum for it to be presented should be enough to insulate the MT.
Again we were fishing miles from his office and I had sort of explained what had happened with the limited knowledge I have of what led to its demise. He pointed out that infomercials are presented on TV stations and the stations are not liable for the information and products that they present because they state that they do not endorse the product/information.
Hope this helps....
Mark M.
Phoenix AZ
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 11:58 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] re METEORITE TIMES From Paul and Jim

Hi all,
       Below is  a post from Paul and Jim. The list is not accepting their
posts, so, Paul asked me to foreword them for him. (another follows
regarding the TUCSON SHOW GUIDE).
       It is a fascinating aside that this idea occurred SIMOTANIOUSLY
to both Paul and I completely independently, shortly after a  phone
call between us yesterday. When I called him to tell him of "my" idea,
he laughed and said he had been talking to his wife about it for the last
20 minutes. When we compared notes, we had come to the same idea
at EXACTLY the same time. I believe it may be divinely inspired. The
outcome is, I think you will all agree, a divine one!
       I don't know what is wrong with the list, but I HOPE everyone is
getting the few posts I see getting through, which include Ron Balke's,
Anne Black's, Mark's and mine, but no others since around noon today
       So, here we go:
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 15:42:19 -0800
From: Paul Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please read, discuss, and let us know.

Dear List,

The closing down of the MeteoriteTimes web site was a preemptive decision
based upon recent events which demonstrated our high level of exposure to
lawsuits.  Let us be clear. The magazine was NOT sued. But The Meteorite
Exchange, Inc. has in the past had to defend itself on more than one occasion.  We've learned through experience how to better protect ourselves from groundless and dropped litigations that only waste money and time.

Jim and I are finally sitting side by side and think that we have found a
solution to the liability issues faced by the publication of MeteoriteTimes.

The possible solution to the vacuum we created by ending MeteoriteTimes,
would be the creation of a venue where any person wanting to write a
meteorite /tektite related article would be able to send us the link to their
article  which resides on their own web page.

We would provide the shell of structure and organization for this
collection of links only.  We would not have copyright, nor editorial responsibilities, nor liabilities for the consequences of the contents
contained in said linked to articles.

We could preserve as much of the look and feel of the original magazine as
possible. Links and indexes will function much as before with the linked to
articles appearing in the main frame as before.  We would also offer technical support and graphics ideas and possibly blank page templates.

This venue could have the potential of becoming a greater resource of
meteorite related material than could ever have been possible before.

Best wishes,

Jim and Paul

  Paul Harris   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Jim Tobin     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Meteorite Exchange, Inc.  http://www.meteorite.com
  PMB#455 P.O. Box 7000, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 USA

Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.
         - Friedrich Nietzsche
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