Bernd Pauli HD schrieb:

> NWA 753 is a R3.9 rumurutiite chondrite,
> NWA 978 is classified as an R3.8 chondrite

Hello again,

I just looked at my two little NWA 753 chondrites
from Jim Strope and Michael Blood and compared
them to my NWA 978 endcut from the Hupés. My
personal observation is that the chondrules in 753
are a bit larger and slightly oval, whereas they are
smaller in my beautiful 978 endcut. Moreover, my
NWA 978 has a slightly cloudy texture (you might
also call it a dark-light structure which somehow
reminds me of the Milky Way at night with the
unaided eye :-)

Best regards,


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