Hi Steve,

I really hope that you are sincere with this latest 'apology'! I was just
searching the web using Google for information and possible sale items for a
rarer meteorite and found the top 2 hits were from the Meteorite List
Archives, (which is often the case).

I clicked on the first only to find it was just one of your spams trying to
get another rare meteorite. The second? Another separate email asking for
the same thing a few days later!!! Please! Enough is enough!

I hope that you are able to find more fulfillment in your growing collection
and all the other great things that go with the hobby; such as this list!
The year is still young, so plenty of time to make it a good one!


Jeff Kuyken
I.M.C.A. #3085

Meteorite-list mailing list

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