The Day It Rained Rocks: A Rare Meteor Shower Over Holbrook
in 1912 Hurled Fragments Up to 6 Miles Across the Desert (Text
by  Leo W. Banks, Illustration by Mike Benny):

Seventeen years old at the time, Pauline McCleve stood outside
her home with her family members as the meteor descended.
"We were watching the sky and talking about shooting stars
when Papa pointed up and said, 'Look, there's one!"' recalled
McCleve, now 105 and living in Tempe.

A long string of sparkling bright light trailed the enormous mass,
which McCleve described as similar to a Fourth of July sparkler,
only much bigger and more intense.

"It was heavenly; something that belonged to God's realm,"
said McCleve. "But I was frightened because it was coming straight
toward us. Maybe the others were standing up facing the danger,
but I was cowering, getting closer and closer to the ground.

"I saw it explode in the air and send masses of itself in all
directions. It was like shrapnel. The noise was the loudest I've
ever heard in my life, and when it landed, it shook the ground
like an earthquake." After it hit, McCleve's father matter-of-factly
remarked, "Well, it missed us," then told the children they could wait
until morning to go to the landing site.

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