
You're saying shut up or it might get worse? I think the discussion is more 
important than the outcome.

> Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 16:48:45 -0800
> From: mlbl...@cox.net
> To: meteoritem...@gmail.com; raremeteori...@yahoo.com
> CC: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] BLM and Meteorite Recovery Policy
> Hi Michael and all,
> I have opinions about these things and in the next METEORITE MARKET
> TRENDS in the January issue of METEORITE TIMES I will address them.
> In the mean time, folks, the louder we yell about this the more
> likely we are to create resistance to impacting this situation positively.
> Pissing and moaning and pointing fingers seems to be very popular
> Among the American public in general and on this list in particular, but I
> Believe that continuing on with this issue in this forum has real potential
> To cripple any "diplomatic" steps to impact this situation that might
> possibly be achieved.
> Best to all, Michael
> On 12/3/12 8:18 AM, "Met. Michael Gilmer" <meteoritem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Every inch of BLM land and all of America was stolen from native
> > American Indians - the true owners of this land. Not the government,
> > not some flag-waving redneck whose ancestors butchered, lied, and
> > raped their way into ownership of it. Gloss over it with history
> > books all you want, but this belly-aching about our land being usurped
> > by the government sounds awfully familiar to someone with Indian
> > ancestry. BLM stole "your" land? Here's some smallpox-infected
> > blankets to wipe your tears with.
> >
> > I don't like these new BLM regulations either. I think it's a
> > power-grab. I think if it is enforced strictly, it will hurt science
> > and all meteorite recovery.
> >
> > But get off this rigtheous nonsense about the land belonging to the
> > people - it's nonsense. We own it because we stole it by force. How
> > is that any different than what the BLM is trying to do now? Feel
> > violated? Imagine. Ask an Indian about this issue, if you can find
> > one.
> >
> > Best regards and happy hunting,
> >
> > MikeG
> >
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