Hello Mike, All,

With my most recent batches of submissions, I noticed that the more
interesting classifications were/are often held up due to insufficient
analytical justification (according to the folks in charge of
approving classifications).  Equilibrated OC's all went through in a
matter of days or weeks, and the more interesting stones are...still
held up.

So when a list of equilibrated OC's like that comes up with ~10
missing numbers -- and all of the stones appear to have been submitted
by the same owner at the same time via the same classifying
institution -- you can be fairly certain that there are interesting
classifications still in the works.


> From: MikeG <meteoritem...@gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 6:44 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Met Bull Update - The NWA OC Rush Part Two,
> Electric Boogaloo
> To: Meteorite List <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Hi Bulletin Watchers,
> 18 new OC approvals, all from the NWA dense collection area.  Nothing
> too much to get excited about here, from a collector standpoint.  But,
> we have seen a definite increase in approvals in recent months (or so
> it seems), and the number of official meteorites continues to climb.
> The Saharan Gold Rush may be arguably over or well past it's peak, but
> the classification process will be sorting these out for years to
> come.
> Link - 
> http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?sea=&sfor=names&ants=&falls=&valids=&stype=contains&lrec=50&map=ge&browse=&country=All&srt=name&categ=All&mblist=All&rect=&phot=&snew=1&pnt=Normal%20table&dr=&page=0
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> --
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