Another case of meteorite psychosis.

> Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 14:47:09 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] A Bunch of Irregular Stones I Found (+How I 
> Think They May Have Originated)
> Frank, I thought I had read of a scenario which seemed plausible
> wherein a fusions crust, in the process of flaking off, in a chunk as
> is known to happen, if I am not mistaken, separated partially, was
> "blown" back, yet didn't fully separate before everything cooled off.
> I would be interested to see a picture of slag in which the surface
> has been modified by "mechanical" means similarly as to what is seen
> in the object I've shared, sooner, or later, if it takes a while.
> Peter Richards
> P.S. Graham, regarding your most recent post: You may have been
> courteous, but you clearly weren't especially courteous, since you
> failed to make the effort of explaining, in any depth, as if I may be
> a person of some intelligence, how you reached your conclusion. That
> would have been helpful. So it doesn't make a lot of sense to be
> calling yourself courteous, from my perspective. Telling me to
> research meteorwrongs, slag, and clinkers, does not explain what it is
> I will see when I search for these words that will help me see the
> light, although you claim to have noticed something specifically
> leading you to that conclusion. You don't have to do this, but I
> wouldn't claim to have contributed much, if I didn't. Also, you
> definitely weren't "slagged off," considering I criticized a process
> specifically, and not a person, or decision, generally.
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