Yep, a law enforcement or U.S. government servant's best friends are your cell 
phone, digital camera, online social profile and even your vehicle.  All 
provide them with valuable data that can be used to win future elections or 
convictions. According to some of my friends in the know, it will not be long 
before your entire electronic profile is permanently stored on government 
computers now that they have the capacity to do so.

Just remember this when you snap a picture of the latest meteorite find on BLM 
land and the Department of Interior comes after you for removing that 10.1 
pound Lunar meteorite and selling it on eBay.  If you are in a rental car, they 
will know that it has been taken off-road and fine you $500.00 for doing so 
since your rental agreement does not allow that beautiful fully loaded 4 wheel 
drive rig to be used for what it was designed for.  You will provide them with 
more evidence with the images you post online which are now permanently 
attached to your electronic social profile.

Many are sorry that they traded in their old capable cars with no built-in data 
reporting systems for a new vehicle that will record everything and report it 
to the thousands of data collection centers, batch the data and forward it to 
the proper authorities.  The "Cash for Clunkers Program" was a success from a 
governmental standpoint now that millions of drivers can now be continually 
monitored in their new shiny rides.  Try disabling one of these devices and it 
will render your vehicle useless and snitch you out the first chance it gets.

Give me an old Jeep, a dumb camera and I will leave my Android cell phone at 
home.  Big brother has arrived!  


From: Paul H. <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2013 5:00 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] What Your Meteorite Pictures Might Tell About You

People, who take pictures, might not realize that 
smartphones, digital cameras often record all 
sorts data about how, when, and even where in
some cases a picture was taken. Many cameras 
record this information as meta-data that is 
embedded in image files in a digital format called 
"Exif Metadata" as discussed in:

Tools for Managing EXIF Data of your Images

Exchangeable image file format

Also, the EXIF Data might record when and how it
was modified depending on the software used.

If you want to see want image data is embedded
in yours or another person's picture, there are various
Exif Viewers, both online and available as software
that can be used to extract this data. 

Even if you are not interested in this data, there are 
people and companies that are examining the
pictures that you and other people posted to the 
Internet using it for their own purposes. If you have 
a smart phone or camera with a built-in GPS, it is 
scary what people can find out you and where you 
have been.

Some online Exif Viewers are:

1. -

2. Jeffrey's Exif viewer -


Paul H.

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