A dynamite detonation is far more plausible than the information/images in
the media that claim it was a meteorite.

The local law enforcement officials should be conducting a full fledged
death investigation to include autopsy of the victim, medical examination
of those injured, forensic examination of the shattered windows, crater and
any other visible damage. Witness interviews apparently have been obtained.

If done properly this will put this episode of meteorite blame to rest.

Best to all,

Greg Redfern

Greg Redfern
NASA JPL Solar System Ambassador <http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/ssa/home.cfm>
Daily Blog <http://www.whatsupthespaceplace.com>
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On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 10:04 AM, Bob King via Meteorite-list <
meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com> wrote:

> Hi Thomas and Marco,
> Maybe you already know, but the story circulating now is that the police
> determined it was a dynamite explosion caused by a small fire. Please see
> my blog on the topic (go to the update at the end of the blog) at:
> http://astrobob.areavoices.com/2016/02/08/did-a-meteorite-kill-a-bus-driver-in-india/
> Best always,
> Bob
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 8:56 AM, Thomas Dorman drygulch...@yahoo.com
> [mpml] <mpml-nore...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>> I spoke to a good friend last night about this event. This person travels
>> the world recovering meteorites for research and  museums and he is telling
>> me it's non-sense but with the caveat of do not be surprise that the final
>> analysis  from India will be it's  meteorites but the rock analyzed will
>> not be the rock claimed recovered from the site and shown in photos.. For
>> what it's worth.
>> Regards
>> Thomas
>> __._,_.___
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