Hello List,

I thought I'd share some new things today. First, Alan Rubin has produced a 
very interesting paper about some of the L chondrites in our collections, and 
Osceola played it's part. Be sure to give it a read, I found it fascinating! 
Here's a link to my Osceola page, Alan's paper is at the bottom. I still have 
some Osceola available.


I've recently had 3 stones classified and I was super happy with the results. 
The first one is a case of redemption! I posted this one to the MPOD on 
11/27/2015 and there was some doubt as to its meteoritic origins. Thankfully it 
is a meteorite, NWA 11107, 1 of only 11 with this classification. I am open to 
offers on the 2.5Kg stone.

NWA 11107 2.56 kg Eucrite Melt Breccia, 1 of only 11 This one is special. The 
finder apparently burned some cloth on the stone when he found it, maybe giving 
thanks? It's a must see.


NWA 11107 3.24g Eucrite Melt Breccia, 1 of only 11 


This one was a bit of a surprise. The stone was quite dark and I wasn't sure 
what to think of it, Howardite was not my first guess.

NWA 11108 5.74g Howardite


This one I pretty much knew was a howardite. One look and you will agree, It's 
got that classic look! The pictures are a bit dark but it's actually very fresh 
looking material.

NWA 11184 4.11g Howardite


Entire Sales Page


Thanks and enjoy the weekend!

Larry Atkins

IMCA # 1941

Ebay alienrockfarm


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