Paper: Gettysburg Times

City: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Date: Tuesday, September 12, 1922

Page: 6


Meteor Discharges Gas In Its Flight

Explosion Shatters Windows and Fumes Almost Overpower New Jersey Residents


Asbury Park, NY - A meteor, discharging gases flashed through space to the south of here and disappeared in a thunderous roar, frightening residents of many coast towns.

Window panes in residents in Tools River were shattered by the explosion, and the gases, polluting the atmosphere for more then a quarter of an hour, compelled the residents to hold dampened handkerchuefs to their nostrils. In Lakehurst many of the buildings were shaken, but the gases were not noticed.

The astmospheric phenomenom is said to have last for about a minute. Only a tiny streak of light at first, it became beautifully colored as it neared earth and at times appeared to halt momentarily in space, adopt a new course, then zig-zag back again.

The meteor fell into the sea, about a mile off shore, at Seaside Park, 35 miles south of here, with an explosion that shook residences and threw spray to a great height. Volumes of steam then arose, and drilling ashore, nauseated many.

The meteor is described as having the appearance of a gigantic airplane on fire.

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