A few points here:

1) He never called or implied that anybody was a "sinner".  Most Christians I know 
(including myself) do not spend their time looking down on non-Christians.  If you're 
feeling angry or guilty about not being a Christian, that's easy enough to fix.

2) I guess that anybody who believes in God is NOT a scientist...gee, I guess I wasted 
all of my time getting all of those college degrees.  I guess I'm not a "true" 

3) A lot of messages on this board do not interest me.  Therefore, I use the "delete" 
button.  Simply put.

4) Take a really good look at all of the "coincidences" that had to have happened to 
put us all here.  It doesn't really matter if it took billions of years or 6 days.  It 
happened.  Perhaps a billion years to us is simply a single day to a God who is 
everlasting.  Using your all-powerful science, prove to me that God does NOT exist.  
Science is about truth, and if the truth is, all of this happened by "chance", so be 
it.  I don't remember every reading that article thought.  Good luck trying.

Just a few thoughts from another proud "Bible-thumper", and waiting for the negative 
backlash that's certain to follow...

Randy in N.O.

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