If someone knows how to block individuals posts from appearing, please e-mail me off list. In the mean time, I'll go poking around the Meteorite Central page to see if there are any directions. It's the God thing. Not that I don't love God... or something. :-)
I didn't realize I became insensitive if I wanted to quarenteen my involvement with religion to the forum on holy wars and the flat earth society.
As for meteorite discussion, I recently posted a few questions that need answering on "my" FAQ page. I offset that in quotes because I am just doing the grunt work. I am going to re-post three questions soon. I am requesting you look out for the post and e-mail me off list if you want to answer a question. I will write back to you and request your answer.
I'm not trying to have control or something. I just don't want 87 answers to one question and have everyone wastes their time; furthermore, I want to give others a chance to get some visibility; however, if Al is the only person who responds, he is going to get even more visibility on the page.
By the way, God is a morblit. There is only one morblit. It is invisible, and resides in the sky. If you see me seemingly (a little alliteration) talking to nobody, don't be crazy. I am simply talking to God.
Best regards,
Sorry. I couldn't help myself.

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