" Although near midnite on September 24, 2002, the flying object was
registered, according to U.S. Defence Department......"

Dear Ron and List,
Again, keep in mind that I am asking about a possible theory or
theories, considering the comparison of unconfirmed data, in all to be
mentioned events.
I saw a televison account with actual picture of the aftermath of the
alleged Tugunsta Asteroid. The pictures I've seen of the area in the
alleged Vitim Meteorite, were almost identical. Specifically, in the
evidence of large area of burnt trees. ( Where does zero-velocity fit
into the fiery devestation?) Anybody? Please advise?
Also, I could't help but wonder in comparison, about a theory I had
heard about in the event of "The Great Chicago Fire, October 8, 1871".
Mrs. O'Leary's Cow took the rap for this one, but one state away
(north), in Wisconsin, in the city of Peshtigo, on the exact same day as
Chicago, Illinois Fire, that devestated a large portion of that city,
Pestigo, a lumber mill town in Northern Wisconsin, and miles of lumber
country were also devestated by a fire that surrounded the city of
Pestigo, and forced every living thing into the Green Bay Harbor, (Great
Lakes) to attempt survival. There was a larger fatality rate in the
Pestigo Fire, but was upsurped by the importance of the Chicago Fire,
thus the media focussed on it, at the time. In both cases it was
proclaimed that it had been an especially dry hot summer.
A television documentary, (and fact that I visited Pestigo Fire Museum,
while up there), gave evidense of fireballs being reported as seen,
previous to both fires, with a possible 3rd. fire somewhere in
Minnesota, that same day, also with previous reported fireball
Much the same as fire devestation as in Tugunsta, and Vitim. events.
If anyone has heard or can enlighten me about the verification of
fireball sightings , or any info. on the fires in Chicago, Il., and
Peshtio,Wi.,  on October 8, 1871, please contact me off-list if that is
necessary, because of the possible controversy, and Bandwidth situation
. Best Regards, Marcie

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