Hi Sonny and List,


            The Elma <whatever> objects remains a mystery, and while probably not a meteorite by definition, remains a very seriously studied material by a number of leading labs and scientists.  There are papers due out on this material soon and we will just have to wait to see what the professional world has to say about it.  Many have already seen some preliminary chemistry results that were posted, as well as some microprobe results. If you get into that stuff, then you can probably see why there is so much controversy over the origin of this material.  Equally interesting are some of the low power microscope images. Adam Hupe had spearheaded the effort to get this material seen by some of the best authorities available, and I believe that if not for his excellent scientific method, this event would be lost forever.  Adam had requested that I re-post some imagery I had provided previously for anyone still interested in this stuff. A rather low-res composite page can be found  here:




If anyone wants some higher resolution imagery, just ask, and I will be glad to email them to you.


<Again the standard disclaimer: if the word ELMA bothers you, delete this message and please don’t respond to the list.>



Charles  IMCA 4351

-----Original Message-----
Sunday, August 24, 2003 2:28 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Elma status


Hi List,

Does anyone have any new information on the Elma material/glass?

On another subject, there are a few hotels in Tucson with reasonable rates for next February's show. Many hotels have raised their prices substantially for that week. We have found a few hotels for $79 per night and are currently researching the area which would be best suited for a central location. I will let you know when I get more information.



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