(Note: I sent this post yesterday but it seems to be lost in the deep realms 
of cyberspace..maybe it impact melted into another message to another list)

Geoff and others,

In mentioning meteorite names and the folks involved in finding/recovering 
them in the US, I was remiss in not including Rob in those recent posts. This 
morning when I was reading the meteorite people section (usually the first 
section I go to)...it hit me like a "hammerstone" that we/I didn't include 
Rob in those. My apologies Rob...you may go to the front row without a pass. 
Way to go and congrats on being recognized properly in the Times.



> Paul posted:
> >  MeteoriteTimes for September is up.
> Dear Listees:
> Do not miss the interview with List member Robert Matson (use the 
> "Meteorite People" link) in the new edition of "Meteorite Times." 
> Excellent field photos of some impressive American discoveries by a 
> *very* successful meteorite hunter with 65 finds to his credit (!!).
> Well done Robert (and Paul and Jim, of course).
> Regards,
> Geoff N.
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