....Kem Kem was only a provisional name and b) it had not been classified
yet.  Has anyone heard anything further on whether this meteorite ever
became 'legit'? 
Recognizing that there are two entirely separate considerations  -  i.e. Classification vs NomCom recognition  -  I am also curious about the name-status of classified rocks that are being called "Oum Rokba" (UCLA, H5) and "Dronino" (Vernadsky Inst.).   And to my knowledge, "Bensour" (Univ of Washington, LL6) is not NomComm-official yet either....at least none of these four names appear in the Meteoritical Society's Master Index, URL below.  Perhaps "Oum Rokba" is somewhere in the NWA Provisional list, as it appeared on the scene as a Moroccan?

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