my 4 part series regarding factors that keep the meteorite market depressed has met with virtually NO discussion on the list
Dozens of personal attack and counterattack posts.  Dozens of posts complaining about the attacks and counterattacks.  Dozens of emails bemoaning or supporting the posts complaining about the attacks and counterattacks.  Then come the attack-spinoffs.  "Attack-and Counterattack...the Sequel," starring a new and different cast.  Dozens of posts pleading that we get back to meteorites.  Dozens of posts supporting the pleading.  
Yesterday Tracy posts a meteorite question ("Back to meteorites") about Kem Kem and the NomCom.  Nothing.  I follow up with a similar inquiry/observation about Bensour, Oum Rokba, and Dronino.  Nada.  Zilch.  Bupkis. 
It's difficult not to reach a conclusion:  Controversy sells tickets.    

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