Go to your local Home Depot. In the paint section, they carry a variety of solvents. See if they carry a product called "Stone Meteorite Degreaser." I can't tell you the brand name, but the folks at Home Depot might be able to help you.


At 04:32 AM 12/15/03 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well folks,

It was pretty chilly in PK today so I wore my chainmail underwear under my
kevlar armour. My riot helmet is specially equipped to keep out stupid
things, police calls, boom box music, complaining locals and such. As I
lumbered around in all that gear I wanted a breath of fresh air but an
instant before I made the mistake of opening my helmet I took a few rounds of
sniper fire. Only a flesh wound so I pressed on. Lo and behold! There in the
middle of a pothole in the Burger King lot was a 67 gram specimen!! It seems
that grease from their grease recycling dumpster covered it right after the
fall. No weathering etc. How the heck to I remove the grease? Is this rock
permanently and utterly ruined? Oops, I revealed the location of the find
prior to a more thorough investigation...darn.

Bill Kieskowski

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