> Another curiosity that I struggled with intellectually while out there on the lakes 
> was this controversy over the find ratio of lunars to martians (It currently stands 
> close to even, I beleive). It's easy for me to holistically contemplate that, all 
> other things being equal, it should be a lot easier for lunar material to get here 
> than mars material; like shooting a shotgun at something 10 feet away vs. 1000 yds 
> away. Mathematicians have calculated that there should be (all other things being 
> equal) a 5:1 ratio of lunars/martians. So what are the factors that cut the odds to 
> 1:1? 

I would guess the lunar meteorites blend in more with the Earth rocks, and are
harder to detect than the Mars meteorites.

Ron Baalke

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