OT but hey it's nearly Christmas...

Toms post about clocks & time reminds me of a wacky Victorian Time
Machine invention I read about once...

So here it is.

Take two large flat mirrors and a telescope. 

|                             |
|            :-----:          |
|              |              |
|            /   \            |

Mirror      Telescope       Mirror

Place the mirrors far apart either side of the telescope so that they
reflect into each other, (you will see hundreds of other mirrors
reflected in each one)

Point the telescope into the mirror and look through the eyepiece as far
'back' to the furthest reflected image as possible.

The theory was that as the light 'takes time' to bounce between the
mirrors this means the multiple images you see are each of a slightly
different 'time frame'

The author proposed that if you had a sufficiently powerful telescope
and good enough mirrors that where far enough apart, you could see into
the distant past (or I guess at least until the time that the mirrors
where first placed there!).

(This is Similar to the stars in the sky, where the light has taken
millions of years to reach us, so looking outside is looking back in

Really Wacky, but it makes you think!!

Merry Christmas!!

Mark Ford

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