We were trying to have a bit closer look at the
pics of this item, and I just recived a short
note from prof. Martti Lehtinen (university of
Helsinki) I can aggree. The specimen looks a bit
old to be a fresh iron. There may be some troilite
inclusions in the sample, but it may also show
some rust, but who knows...;-

pekka s

Some iron fragments have been found from the area, but it`s hard
to say, if they are from this bolide yet;

>         The Spanish researcher Dr. Javier Garcia Guinea of the Museo
>         Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in Madrid and the Centro
>         Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) has made the
>         first analysis to a sample recovered by an individual from the
>         falling area in the North of Palencia. The preliminary
>         analysis seems to be POSITIVE being probably an Iron Meteorite
>         that consist almost entirely of a nickel-iron metal alloy. In
>         case of confirmation we are in the presence of a historic
>         recovery because until this date not orbital information has
>         been obtained on this kind of meteorites. In the next days we
>         plan to extend this information in more detail.


Have asked the coordinates of this found from the seller, let´s see,
if I´ll have them, and if so, are they located  in Spain or in Siberia...;-

pekka s

Jerry A. Wallace wrote:

> Bernhard "Rendelius" Rems wrote:
>> http://cgi.ebay.at/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2219315732&category=3239
>> <http://cgi.ebay.at/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2219315732&category=3239>

>> Kind regards,
>> *Bernhard “/Rendelius”/ Rems*
> Well, Bernhard, I had the same initial reaction to the pictures that
> Dave F. did; it sure
> looked like some Sikhote Alin schrapnel.


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+ 358 400 818 912

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