Joining Uncle Sam and Europe in a race to have the first man on Mars, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced that California will send a man to Mars.
     Gov. Schwarzenegger stated: "I would like to be the first man on Mars, but I've already been there! I won't go back! I have Total Recall! So I have decided to send the world famous meteorite dealer and auctioneer MICHAEL BLOOD! Mr. Blood was chosen because he is a BIG man, and we should send a big man to Mars in case we have to deal with aliens. ALSO, I LIKE HIS LAST NAME! And Mr. Blood has assured me that he acquired lots of practice traveling in space during the 1960's. Plus my intelligence sources claim they have heard many a meteorite auction bidder state  "I'd like to send Michael Blood to Mars, and beyond!" 
Fred Hall / Meteorhall news service
PS: Congratulations Michael!

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