Hi Gregory,
Yes, I have seen that one many times and it is a cool image.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 2:11 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Have You Seen These?

Does anyone know of a place where I might be able to purchase prints of these two meteor-related images:
This is a woodcut of the meteor leonid shower of 1833
My favorite early image of the 1833 shower is here.....
...and I'm partial to it for two reasons:  One, rather than emanating from a specific radiant-area, the meteors are drawn as if they're all traveling TOWARD it.  Perhaps some confusion on the part of the artist, when the concept of a shower-radiant was explained to him.  And the other reason....is that it happily resides in my own personal collection.  ;-)     I'm very pleased that Richard Norton thought highly enough of it to put in his new "Cambridge Encyclopedia of Meteorites" (p. 14).

J. Gregory Wilson

2118 Wilshire Blvd. #918
Santa Monica, CA 90403
(310) 913-2598

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