I agree as well.

I use sniping a good bit.

But then, I don't complain when I snipe and lose (which was my point)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charlie Devine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jim Strope" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Meteorite Central" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite eBay Bidding Comment

> Jim and list,
> I agree.  I always saw sniping as a stategy used to get the item for the
> best possible price.  If I decide I am willing to spend $200 for an item
> and with minutes left the price is still $75 I may snipe with $200 with
> seconds left to see if I can get it for less then $200.  If I bid the
> $200 with days left, it allows others to raise closer to my bid.  I may
> still win but I may pay more then if I sniped at the end. If you don't
> like being sniped or think it unfair, you can use anti-snipe services.
> Best wishes,
> Charlie


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