Dear Sterling and list,
    There are many questions that need to be answered
before the Antartic and S.E. Asian events are totally
linked.  We need to determine more exact event dating
for all of the events.  In a posting of several years
ago, I speculated that a multiple impact event (MIE)
was the cause of the so-called SE Asian tektite
    Until the site or sites are drilled we will not
know for sure that this is indeed an impact structure
in Antartica. Such a large scale impact still would
have interacted with the ice covered geology as
evidenced by the findings of the negative magnetic
    As for information concerning impacts in SE Asia,
I have not yet completed my research for publication;
therefore I will not detail my findings.
    There is hard evidence for impact sites related to
the tektite event of 700,000 ybp in SE Asia.  Moung
Nong tektites and the splashform tektites give strong
supporting evidence for this.
    I would gladly receive your questions or comments.
Sincerely,  Dirk Ross...Tokyo

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