Hi Bob and list,
   Although I haven't tried these I imagine they at least help keep away
moisture. Probably better than Tupperware (which is what I currently
use). I remember seeing a commercial for this clear globe like device
that you pump the air out and it's supposed to vacuum seal the item.
Marketed to collectors. I can't remember the name of the thing.

Regards to all,

Tom Randall

On Sat, 2004-10-23 at 11:07, Comcast Mail wrote:
> Hello list,
> I was just sitting down eating breakfast and my wife was watching an
> infomercial on a product that is called " Foodsaver ".
> The product is used with thick plastic bags. The way it works is, the
> machine vacuums out all of the air and the food is sealed air tight in a 3
> layer plastic bag.
> Of course I thought, this has to be the ultimate way to protect meteorites
> from  moisture.
> Sure, it wouldn't be an appealing way to display meteorites. But, like
> myself Im sure many collectors have numerous meteorites just stored away in
> plastic containers.
> I was wondering if anyone uses this machine currently to store meteorites.
> I would like to see how effective it is.
> Im sure its available on ebay listed under the name : Foodsaver
> Bob Evans
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