Hi, Tett:
Nice to know a guy who knows Taiwan! I will need to fly to Hong Kong and Dounguan city for my company on November 22. My company produce magnet for small motor and others. As you know South China has many tektites available,but so many wrong Nantan iron meteorites there. I am confusing with this. Here are China's Rock Research Center's link(China government) , but they only have Simple Chinese edition homepage could read(no English):
The reader only need to type "Province" name or Meteorite name in Simple Chinese. Then, computer will tell you its fell age, meteorite content and location. It is nice to me, but it has never report in meteorite mailing list when most of people don't understand Chinese or Most of Chinese don't know meteorites at all! Although we know different types of iron meteorite has different kinds widemanns pattern but we must be confusing with Nantan when those sellers(China farmers) did not want to tell anybody truth about their found out area in Business! Here, I translate it into English for Chinese provincation:
25 fell records in GuanXi Province(Nantan iron meteorite's Province) totally

    éèæéFell Time
    åéèåéFell Location in ancient time
    åæäåå Old location in new place name now

    äæå Shan-Shi-Chou
    åèäæç GuanXi Province Shan-Shi County

    åå Chuan-Chou
    åèååç GuanXi Province Chuan-Chou County

    èç Ton Shian
    åèèç GuanXi Province Ton County

    æåç Guey-Ping Shian
    åèæåç GuanXi Province Guey-Ping County

    æéå Gue-Shuen Chou
    åèéèç GuanXi Province Gin-Shi County

    éåç Lin-Shan Shian
    åèéåç GuanXi Province Lin-Shan County

    èç Ton Shian
    åèèç GuanXi Province Ton County

    èç Guey Shian
    åèèç GuanXi Province Guey County

    æçç Wu-Uen Shian
    åèæéç GuanXi province Wu-Ming County

I think that is why there are some different types oxidized iron meteorites show in Intenet from China.
Best Regards!!
Eddie Lee

----- Original Message ----- From: "tett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Nantan


Glad to meet you!

I am in Taiwan often and perhaps the next time we can meet up. Have made two trips there this year.

Do you come to Hong Kong often?

I am flying to Hong Kong on Monday and then of to Xiamen next week.


Mike Tettenborn
aka tett
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Eddie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Nantan

Dear List:
Chinese seem don't care about Meteorite very much. Since Sha Dynasty till 1911. China has meteorites fell records 365 times.
There are 3 times meteorite shower record in China. Nantan is one, and another 2 records were Jilin stone meteorite showers.
Ming Dynasty has records about Nantan iron meteorite, time is 1516. And China refund it in 1958, 19 pieces and total weight is 9500KG.
Here are a China government link(written in Simple Chinese), you just need to type the location or province name and you can get some informations you want in Simple Chinese:
Hope I could get acquainted with more people who loves meteorites. A special stone from the Sky.
Best Regards!!
Eddie Lee from Taiwan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Peanut .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Meteorite List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 8:14 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Nantan

Hey List,

Some People list Nantan as a 1516 fall and others as a 1958 find. Which is it?

Cj ______________________________________________
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