Mike and all,

I was answering Dean about it.

The judgment will be most probably put online when all is finished. I have read the copies of what is allready judged. I cannot tell all but i can swear that the Pellisson lost and that it will costs them some k Euros.

About going down there in Saharan countries I think that in some years ( I should say few years ) we will all need permits to do what we do. No problem, we will get permits if they are requested. These countries rich in meteorites are organizing themselves to have laws. We, professionnal hunters and dealers, have the advantage to be totally official. You have proved your skills. I think that having a permit or a license to hunt for meteorites is the same as having a permit to hunt big game. Many game hunter still go in Africa to kill big animals. I have no public judgement about killing big animals, it's a meteorite list. The best way is to be as legal as possible. No more tourists will buy meteorites in Morocco! This will concentrate the market towards people that really do the job: have them analysed. And you will get real official paper to export. And this will also reinforce the market making it more legal and transparent. Everybody is noticing that the number of NWA on shows is diminuishing. The market is becoming more professionnal.

I may be wrong, but things are movin a lot in the Sahara and we will not have problems in the future, but we have to behave right with all these nice guys in the Sahara. They are and they will be for a long time the people that find 95% ( 99% ?) of the meteorites in the world. Today in each saharan or sub saharan country there is interest in meteorites. We cannot compete with them: they are good are looking in the country side and at distinguishing anomalies. We have the other skills to bring the best on the market, and science has its percentage or more. Nothing is lost. I am every positive about the effects of the NWA story. It will be an exemple soon for other countries. The way our community solves the problem will probably influence the decisions in many countries. Met Soc, IMCA and the list are sorting out many problems.
At the roight present time we shoudl be more careful to avaoid any drama. The community does not need it. We are still fragiles. I will say: if you want to become a professionnal in meteorites, listen to the list and start a basic collection. you will build stonger bases and learn much more than going to Morocco to buy a lot of NWA.

Forget the Pellissons they are done for or will be soon. I translate "done for" for them as they lurk: done for is "foutus" in french)

Best regards


----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Clarifying some things

Thanks Bernd, I think I get it. I did not study philosophy though in the University.
Life is not perfect, we should all get along but don't. The Pellisons are a joke, but a dirty one that has the potential to come back to haunt us all.
What if they stir the pot so much that one of us goes to a North African country and does not come back? Where will that put the collectors market? Or how will it benefit the scientific world, who have benefited so much from this gold rush of new meteorites of some of the rarest and never before seen types?
We have a saying in English, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" and the Pellisons are doing a lot of squeaking.
Michael Farmer
----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 4:09 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Clarifying some things

Martin wrote:

You may go on buying from those persons, ...

Michel Franco wrote:

When you buy at Ps, you are buying in a duty free !!!

I had quoted: "reality is less than perfect ... "

and Mike responded:

What do you mean Bernd, did you not read their
website? I just don't understand what you just wrote.

Some clarifications are necessary here:

1) Martin and Michel, I have never bought a meteorite from the Pelissons
  - there is not one meteorite in my collection that comes from them.

2) Maybe I should not have quoted Mike's remark out of its proper context
but I wanted to prevent mentioning any specific names from former rantings:

The "reality is less than perfect ..." comment was taken from the preceding
commotion between an Italian list member and an American list member. Mike F.
was referring to the fact that, although he respected my wish for a harmonious
co-existence among people, reality does show that this is only wishful thinking.

Several recent events - including the Pelissons' accusations obviously prove
that Mike's statement is true and thus I wrote, "so sad but so true!"

3) I thought I had made my point quite clear when I responded to Tracy's
 mail: "enraged if this should be more than just a nasty, filthy joke".

Wishing everyone a good day,


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