> Hi List, what is the world coming to, having to put a buy it now
> of $3 on Allende, starting bid of only $2, I bet it still won't sell!

> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=6500334010&;
> ssPageNam

Tom and List,

My advice is to refrain from using such negative comments like "dirt cheap"
and replace it instead by its weight. You might also want to write something
like "Rare", "Beautiful", etc. Look at Mike Farmer's or the Hupes' EBay items.
These people "invite" their potential buyers to buy one of their "unique", 
specimens, to buy one of their "there won't be much to go around" specimens,
etc. The other end of the line would be something like Dean's invitation to buy
the "ugliest meteorite" in the world :-)

.. and don't forget there are still two days and 23 hours left. Some bidders
wait until the very last moment to get something at rock bottom prices.

.. and there is a lot of Allende material.

.. and there are quite a few very "competitive" items on EBay at the moment.

Wishing you all a happy
Holiday Season,


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