Zelimir wrote:

> I fully agree. Indeed, after a rapid checking through some textbooks on 
> hand, I did not find any terrestrial occurrence for troilite. Does anyone
> know for some ?

On Thursday, 05 Apr 2001, Steven Singletary sent this post to the List:

"Troilite is actually a different mineral from Pyrrhotite FeS(1-x)
as shown by Buchwald (1975). Once thought to occur only in extra-
terrestrial environments, troilite has since been found in several
terrestrial deposits, usually found in association with mafic and
ultra-mafic rocks such as serpentine. It has been found in serpentine
of Del Norte County, Ca and in ultramafic inclusions in Australia (the
Sally Malay Deposit). Troilite has also been found at Glenelg, in the
highland region of Scotland, where it occurs as tiny (up to 2mm) grains
and flecks in marble. Igneous deposits in the Panzhihua-Xichang province
of China have been found to contain troilite as well. Troilite was also
discovered in metasediments of the Velfjord-Tosen region of Norway."

Best regards,


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