Darren wrote:
> <snip> I see so many mentions of the "pain of scrolling".
> <snip> The work of a fraction of a second.

I think the problem is when you have 3 or dozens of previous
messages attached above the bottom post.  Not the fault of the
bottom post - just poor editing in general.

Mark wrote:
>>> But now that I think about it, it was only when there was a
ridiculous amount of info on top of the new
>>> information.

I should have wrote it better: "When there was a ridiculous amount
of text  [I would notice the bottom post] and be annoyed by it".  I
usually view the list with a preview pane in Outlook Express so I
can quickly go thorough a thread.  That is until I come to a "bottom
post" (at least a long one).  That is what I meant when I said "Then
you have the pain of scrolling down...".  I have to move from the
messages to the preview pane and scroll through the message - as you
said not too much trouble.  I have read through some of the "net
etiquette" sites and I do think bottom posting does seems to work
better.  I think any method will work as long as people keep it
short (though bottom posting will make editing and replying to
points easier).

Again, thanks for pointing this out.  I'm sure I have come off as
really rude in the past.  I could still be doing other things, like
maybe have weird importance or message priority settings/flags on my
emails or using capitals, etc.  I guess that's the price of so many
people getting online w/o much training.  Keep pointing this stuff
out when you see it.  I try to keep off topic stuff OFF LIST and
apologize if this stuff is annoying people.

Boy USC is killing OU (55 to 10)!  I normally wouldn't care, but I
heard a guy on the radio boasting that USC was going to get creamed.
Ha!  He'll be eating crow tomorrow...

Goodnight all - hope you find a new fall on the front porch

Mark Bowling
Vail, AZ
I.M.C.A. #6645  o(:-)

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