Here is a Top 10 list of some of the Bologna Meteorite News expected to come 
out soon...some are true, some may just be speculation at this time. 

10. Benguierer is actually Bensour (already reported)

9. Amgala is actually Zag

8. NWA 3133 is actually NWA 1839, same for NWA 1110 is actually NWA 
1068.NWA...(this one goes on and get the idea)

7. Oman meteorites are actually from long standing European Collections and 
sold as new stock. 

6. NWA's are actually illegally smuggled from Australia to Madagascar, up 
through Africa, into  Algeria, across the border into Morocco, through Dean, 
and on to Europe and USA.

5. David Weir and Bernd Pauli are long lost cousins, and Mauro Daniel is not 
related to Matteo.

4. Franconia is NWA from Australia. Morocco, through Dean, to two guys 
only known as John G. and Dave A. Who then sprinkle these rocks across Arizona 
on nice weekends.  

3. Many Shergottites sold these days are actually pieces of gabbro found in 
Eastern PA.  

2. John Divelbiss is not normal, and probably needs help.

1. The famous Muppet Show character known as Beaker is still alive, and is 
presently disguised as a meteorite collector living in the US. (No more details 
are available yet on this one.)

JD reporting from Bologna.

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