I just want to say we are right behind you big guy. Stay away as long as you 
like. Don't let all these enabling supporters encourage you to continue with 
your daily SPAMMING. The list community needs a nice long break from this 
topic. A year or two would be even better.

Chevy Chase said it best in Caddyshack, "Don't sell yourself short Judge, you 
are a tremendous slouch."


-------------- Original message from "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>: -------------- 

> Hi list and good evening.Everyone always says,it is better to keep your 
> mouth shut, then to say something you might regret.I know in the past I 
> have said some things I should not have,but I usually do not go around and 
> critisize people in public,let alone private.The last couple of days about 
> my posting just continue's to baffle me why so many people get "ALL WORKED 
> UP".I see people continue to post dumb and many things, but does it get to 
> me?NO!!!Like I keep saying,life is to short to be worrying about some 
> frivilous BS.I know alot of you people do not like me.I also know alot of 
> people do like me.Hurray for me!!You cannot have everyone like you.If you 
> did, you would probaly me a cartoon character.And there are some real 
> characters on this list.You see, I can make my point without saying any 
> names.That is wrong and is not my style.So I have decided that from 
> tonight, after this post,I will not post anything again till after april 
> 15th.You are will say, yeah right mr.post-it.Well I just thought it might 
> help me win back some people who think very lowly of me.I will continue to 
> email in private and watch the list,but I'll be silent till the 15th.And 
> to all the people who get thier kicks putting people down because you do 
> not have a life, GET ONE.My admiration for those people who have been in 
> this business alot longer than me,to me, deserve the utmost respect and 
> admiration.Because they are the ones who have given us the chance to 
> really enjoy this great hobby.My hats off to all those people.Good night 
> from chicago till the 15th of april. 
> steve arnold, chicago,usa!!! 
> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
> I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 
> Illinois Meteorites 
> website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com 
> http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/illinoismeteorites/ 
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