I had replied to the author of that piece of pseudoscience refuting all of his points. He answered once with more pseudoscience. I refuted his reply and have not heard from him since. The article was full of "it could have happened this way" without the empirical evidence to back it up.

I had complained to the editors of the RASC journal regarding the lack of screening of their articles. Got lip service from them. I was shocked that a reputable journal from the RASC would publish an article that could be refuted so easily with empirical evidence. It showed a complete lack of scientific research on articles received.

I can forward the word file of my correspondence to anyone who is interested.

Charles O'Dale
Meeting Chair
Ottawa RASC

Message: 8 Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 04:00:33 -0700 From: "Graham Christensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [meteorite-list] An alternative origin of tektites To: <Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com> Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; reply-type=original

I read an article in the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada journal that
said that the Earth once had a ring of tektites or a system of rings around
it and when the supercontinent pangea formed, the earth's gravitational
field became lop-sided and the tektite material in the ring ended up in an
orbital resonance with pangea and the tektites formed a clump or "ring arc"
that was directly over pangea at perigee. When pangea broke up, the
resonance dissapeared and the ring arc's orbit began to decay The shape and
distribution of the australasian tektite strewnfield and the ablasion
characteristics of the tektites is consistent with a ring arc's orbit
decaying and eventually bringing the material crashing to earth at a low

Furthermore, the tektites associated with the chesapeake bay crater may
infact have been dragged down by the impactor's gravitational field as it
passed through or near the rings and this may be the case with other tektite
fields as well.

I have the article here on paper but I can't find it on the internet. I'm
not sure if this has been posted before but if anyone's interested I could
type up the text and E-mail it to the list.

Graham Christensen
msn messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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