"...and those I have met in person can attest, I love a good smoke."

And don't forget those who haven't.  Although the name of the flavour reminds 
me of some small town in Northern Wisconsin. 

Anyhow.. enjoy! Although it's probably not as good as the real thing.  ;  )


-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Wesel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Apr 25, 2005 5:09 PM
To: Meteorite List <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Cc: "Steve Arnold (IMB)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [meteorite-list] ...Reduced To Ashes In The Moment

My Grandmother used to save cereal box tops without telling me. When she had 
enough I would get a phone call..."Keep an eye out for the postman" she 
would say.

I knew what that meant, those box tops she saved were to get the send in 
prizes : decoder rings, Frisbees, that sort of thing.

But what was the prize? What wonders awaited me..and when would they come?

So the other day when I got a random email from International Meteorite 
Brokerage's Steve Arnold, recently returned from an overseas trip, I was 
taken back:

"Hey Rob,

I found something you will LOVE on my trip.  Where can I send it?

Steve Arnold"

What was the prize? What wonders awaited me..and when would they come? I 
immediately sent my address and then:

"It is on the way.


I thanked him in advance and a final teaser:


Well, you will get a kick out of this, trust me.

Let me know when you get it.


So today it arrives. To further gel the brilliant intent on Steve's part it 
should be known, and those I have met in person can attest, I love a good 
smoke. Nary an opportunity to indulge a cigar goes unanswered. That, coupled 
with the Nakhla Dog Business, makes this a treasured and unique find. I 
can't wait:


Thank you Steve, for thought and deed and effort. Thanks for the throwback 
to a simpler time, the eager anticipation.

Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...
and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971

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