Are these folks really people that post here at the

I hope not, as that thing is very visible on the

I found it in a google search.  And the public sees

It does none of us any good.

It's owner must hate the meteorite community for
allowing, and might I add posting such trash to
tarnish our names.  And any members of this list that
post such uncivil words and images there should be
flogged in public...

It is really very disgusting. 

I don't see any rockhounding blogs like that blog...

BTW:  I suspect that my computer was struck with a
Trojan and four other virus files when I opened some
files on that site.  Who ever runs that site knows
what they are doing.  It would be great to find out
who that "blogmaster" is and deal with him/her

Maybe, an open post stating that we the members of
MetList have nothing to do with that blog and that we
do not post there in our names or otherwise.

I start out with my affidavit:

Steve Schoner/American Meteorite Survey

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