
Don't you ever get just plumb sick and tired of
thinking of nothing but yourself all the time???

Get a hobby. Have you ever tried stamp collecting?
Or take up a sport. Bull riding seems to be growing
in popularity- and you only have to concentrate for
8 seconds at a time.

Or, try writing a daily column for your website. You
could easily produce a "Whine of the Day"  feature
in 72 distinct flavors.

Apply thyself to producing something less offensive
to yourself and others. You would find it rewarding.

Your friend,


Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! wrote:

Wow and I thought I was being blown out of the water!Fossils,human
terraforming,pteradyactul eggs,non-meteorites,pictures,etc.At least most
of my posts were meteorite related.I do not see anyone else getting HELL
like I got when I posted METEORITE related stuff.It just goes  to show
that some people just HATE me.I thought this was a meteorite only list,as
people have blantantly shoved down my throat to remind me?Just
lettin'ya'll know.Have a nice day.

                                      steve arnold, chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

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