Dear Listees:

Thanks to Dave Freeman for the Paleolist mention yesterday, and for the excellent Wyoming expedition photos.

For those of you who would like to move the "ethics of private fossil ownership" discussion to a more appropriate venue (or participate in other discussions of a similar or more enlightening nature), I am extending an invitation to join the Paleolist.

The Paleolist is one of the largest fossil discussion groups going, with hundreds of members from around the world, and is very similar in format to the Meteorite List, though with a lot less arguing ; ) and a lot less traffic. We are privileged to have some noted paleontologists among our subscribers.

I am the list moderator, and you can find out all about it here:

No fees, no hassles, lots of nice fossils. Give it a whirl.


Geoff N.

Meteorite-list mailing list

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