Hello all,

This morning I finally got to look at a new fragment of a meteorite that Dean 
Bessey sold as an un-cut, unclassified meteorite that is probably an LL. He 
sold about 5 small pieces an I bought one of them for about $5/g.   The 
material was from a new supplier, making it somewhat unique in Dean's eyes.

The fragment has a nice black "melted" crust, not unlike many HED meteorites.  
There is a pull with a strong magnet similar to an LL.  Not weak, but not 
strong like an L.  There are no signs of chondrules on the slightly 
brown-weathered broken faces.  Looks like a fair amount of orthopyroxene 
sticking through.

To me it is a nice Diogenite, but I have yet to cut it.  I was wondering if 
anyone else who bought a piece has studied it enough to come to a conclusion? 
Has anyone cut it yet either ? 

Curious, but not ready to cut. 


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